blood splatter

Welcome to Dark & ​Smutty Romance


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Ashlynn is a wife and a mom of 3. ​Hailing ​​from Long Island, New York. She currently ​lives in Florida. Spending her days working ​a full-time job and nights kicking it with her ​girls in her closet-office, destroying souls. ​She is a Dark Romance/ Horror Author who ​is known as the evil ​mastermind who loves ​to tear your ​soul ​to shreds and write Toxic, ​chaotic and ​​gritty characters. Her men will ​always be ​filthy and ​complex.




blood splatter





Remnants of ​the guilty

The fatal Five ​Standalone Series


COming July 2024


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Chaos & The ​carvers Deadly


October Release

on Audible




Dangerous Allure

Kings of Chaos & Mayhem ​Book III


Coming August 2024


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Cyprus Brothers

of Daggerspoint


September 2024


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Book Reviews

blood splatter

This book is a dark and twisty horror house rollercoaster. ​This is dark romance at it's finest. It's heavy. It's gut-​wrenching. It's mayhem.

Mayhem picks up where Chaos left off...Ashlynn ripped us to ​shreds and dropkicked us off a cliff at the end of Chaos. I ​hope you are done being curled up in a ball rocking back and ​forth. It's time to wipe the tears from your eyes, reapply your ​red lipstick, strap on your boots, and seek revenge.

Ashlynn does a great job of offering point of view chapter ​switches, so we get an intimate look at what Jade, Spade, ​Dario, and Jay/The Carver are thinking, feeling, and doing.

The plot in this book delivers! The echos/symmetry between ​Chaos and Mayhem is satisfying!

It's a deliciously filthy book, too. Gritty and seductive.

This is a truly heavy book. Check your trigger warnings...then ​recheck them...then look at yourself in a mirror and ask ​yourself if you are REALLY ok with the triggers. Traumatic ​things happen. Many traumatic things happen.

Highly recommend listening to the Spotify playlist as you ​'s chef kiss.

-Amazon Reviewer

Ashlynn's debut novel completely threw me off. Her way of words and telling of a story, ​sucks you right in!

Jade is one bada§§ hard-core FMC and freaking hilarious. I absolutely loved her.

Ashlynn wrote her in such a relatable way though and I thank her for that.

The men in this book….uhhh I need a cold shower ASAP! They're all hot, and the spice is ​definitely not lacking at all.

But, she killed me with a cliffhanger. That's okay though I will definitely be scooping ​that up as soon as it's released.

Highly recommend reading it! 🖤

Again check those TW cause it's a bit intense.

- Amazon Reviewer

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blood splatter
blood splatter
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The Carver is one I have a love hate relationship with. I see his evil, ​but I see his purpose. The dark romance side of me loves this ​delicious man that is used as a weapon for his father’s own gain. ​This book was an amazing deep dive into sight into The Carver and ​who he is/ why he’s the way he is. It’s twisted and it’s gruesome , ​just the way a dark romance reader likes it. As you learn more about ​Jameson as a son and a little boy and how he is used and how he ​transforms into the The Carver and the differences in the ​personalities, you really begin to understand him and I loved home ​even more after that. Such a great begging to his story. Definitely ​recommend, but please read trigger warnings as she is deadly ​serious with them and how descriptive this book can be.

-Amazon Reviewer

blood splatter
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Me 🤝 psycho love

Another banger in one of my favorite series! I am so deeply in ​love with Jamie & The Carver it’s sickening 😂 The way he is ​written is just so magnetic! As always with this series, you ​just feel totally immersed in their world, experiencing all the ​things & feelings with these characters! This two-part novella ​was a wild ride and I would give anything to be able to read it ​again for the first time!

-Goodreads Reviewer

Coming Soon

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Remnants ​of the ​guilty






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-never seen before ​Chapter


-Thickened Plot


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-COming to audio


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